Founder & CEO
2025 January 01 - 2025 March 01
Hilton Grand Nile, EGY
200 attendees
Int. Conferences
Call for Abstracts AICFM 2025
Call for Abstracts AICFM 2025
AICFM 2025 Call for Abstracts
Abstracts Submission Announcement and Rules
General Information:
Abstracts will be considered for oral or poster (electronic) presentations.
All abstracts must be submitted in English.
Submissions should be attached as either an MS Word document or PDF file and emailed to the address below.
Abstracts should be between 150-250 words.
Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12 points.
Include a maximum of 5 keywords.
Abstracts must not be submitted via any other method (e.g., social media platforms).
Submission Rules:
Title, authors (maximum of six), and affiliations (including country) must be clearly stated.
Clearly indicate if the abstract has been submitted elsewhere.
All abstracts are subject to review and approval by the Scientific Program Committee.
Presenting authors of accepted abstracts must register to attend AICFM 2025.
Oral Presentations:
Duration: 8 minutes for presentation, followed by 2 minutes for questions and discussion (Total: 10 minutes).
Presentation slides must be in MS PowerPoint format and submitted via email after approval by the Scientific Committee.
Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025, 23:59 CLT.
Poster Presentations:
Posters will be displayed electronically.
Posters must be in electronic format as specified by the conference guidelines.
Poster dimensions and resolution specifications will be provided upon acceptance.
The presenting author should ensure the poster is visually clear, concise, and suitable for electronic display.
Posters must include the following sections: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
All text, figures, and tables should be legible from a standard screen resolution.
Presenters are responsible for submitting their posters by the deadline provided in the acceptance email.
No physical posters will be accepted; all posters must comply with the electronic submission format.
Presenters are expected to be available during designated poster session times to discuss their research with attendees.
Important Deadline:
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 1, 2025, 23:59 CLT.
Prof. Badr Eldin Award:
A prestigious award, the Prof. Badr Eldin Award for Junior Researchers, will be granted to the top research submitted by a junior researcher. To qualify for the award:
The applicant’s age must not exceed 35 years by the conference date.
Thank you for your submission!